If no more moves can be taken, or if all penguins have been removed back to the players' collection, the fish on the tiles are counted and the player with the most fish wins. Any remaining tiles are returned to the box. Hey, That's My Fish! continues until all penguins can no longer legally move or they have been removed from the board. If this is the case they must remove that tile and their penguin back to their collection. Players must move their penguins every turn, unless they cannot move to a tile adjacent to the ice floe tile they are currently on. Once the player has taken their ice floe tile it’s the next player’s turn. Once the player has moved their penguin they are then able to pick up the tile where they started their turn from and place it face-up in front of them. Penguins also block other penguins, even if it is the same colour. The penguin can only move to an unoccupied ice floe tile. It cannot change direction during that move, but it can move as many tiles as the player wishes. The chosen penguin can move in any of the six directions of its ice floe tile and must move in a straight line. Secondly, they collect the ice floe tile that their penguin started movement from. Firstly, the player can move any of their penguins. Each player’s turn consists of two actions. The youngest player goes first and it continues in a clockwise order. To complete the game set-up, all players penguins must be placed on an unoccupied one fish tile. All players then proceed in a clockwise order to place their penguins one at a time. The youngest player places their penguin first. For three players you must use three penguins each and with four player you must use two penguins each. If they're not, they can choose to switch the tiles to make it more evenly distributed.įor a two-player game you can use all four of your chosen colour penguins. The players must choose if they are happy with the layout. Then, place them face-up in a rough square shape, alternating the rows between seven and eight until you have placed all the tiles. To start, shuffle the hexagonal ice floe tiles face-down.

A good old FFG Proof of Purchase token.60 hexagonal ice floe tiles - There are three different amounts of fish on them.Each one in your waddle has a different pose. 16 plastic penguins - Four per colour.Hey, That's My Fish! includes the following. As a result, the penguins were upgraded from wood to plastic and the art of the tiles is bolder. FFG are known for their bigger brand games such as Star Wars: X-Wing and LOTR: Journey to Middle-earth, so it’s not the kind of game you would expect them to publish.įFG have repackaged the box and the components to be more inline with the more detailed items you would get nowadays. The game is designed by Alvydas Jakeliunas and Günter Cornett, and was originally released in 2003. Players take turns using their waddle of penguins to outmanoeuvre their opponents and catch as many fish as they can without being trapped on an ice floe! Hey, That’s My Fish! is a game for 2-4 players from Fantasy Flight Games (FFG).